55th IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference
Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, San Diego, CA
December 11 – 14, 2024 (Tutorial: Dec 11)

To submit your abstract to SISC, please follow these steps.

1. Abstract preparation

Your SISC submission should make a clear distinction between background material and new work, and should include enough information to show how the work advances the state of the art. Presentation of new material at the SISC is strongly encouraged. Abstracts will be evaluated in part based on their novelty and differentiation from prior work. For example, abstracts in which the majority of reported results and figures have already been published are unlikely to be accepted. Moreover, mere promises of upcoming results will not be considered.


  • Your extended abstract must be 2 pages or less, including figures and references.
  • Only submissions in the Adobe PDF format will be considered.
  • US Letter (8.5"x 11") page size with 1" margin on all sides must be used.
  • Only Times New Roman and Symbol fonts may be used.
  • Text fonts must be 11-point or larger.
  • Fonts for references and captions must be at least 10 pt.
  • No more than 6 figures should be used, and must be suitably large to be read easily.
  • Any color figures need to reproduce well in black&white for the program book.

Here is the Word version which can serve as a suitable template for the abstracts.

IMPORTANT! The program committee will conduct a blind review of the submissions. After you have prepared your abstract, remove or hide the author list and authors' affiliations, as well as any information that might identify authorship. References to your own work should be kept visible by structuring the abstract text so that does not link you directly with those references (e.g. "It has been recently shown that ... [own ref]"). See our Example Abstract, and Example Review PDF versions. Save the Review version under a different filename.

When you have your abstract and its blind Review version converted to the PDF format, you can proceed to the online submission below.


2. Information about the corresponding author

Your name:

Your affiliation:

Your e-mail address (this is where notifications will be sent):

Your telephone number including country and area code:


3. Abstract information

Exact abstract title as it appears on your abstract:

Abstract author list, comma-separated, as it appears on your abstract. • Use initials for first/middle names. • In case of multiple affiliations, append after each name parentheses with a number or numbers linking the name to affiliation(s). • Please adhere to the following examples:
Example 1: A. Authorette(1), B. C. Author(2), and D. E. Boss(2,3)
Example 2: A. Authorette and B. C. Author

Abstract author affiliations, comma-separated, as they appear on your abstract. • In case of multiple affiliations, precede each affiliation with parentheses with a number linking the affiliation to an author name above. • Group departments of the same affiliation into one affilation. • Do not include a city unless it is a part of the affiliation's name. • Do not include street, zip codes, etc. • Include country only if not USA.
Example 1: (1)UC San Diego, (2)Very Advanced Institute, Belgium, (3)Big American Corp.
Example 2: UC San Diego instead of (1)Dept. of Physics, UC San Diego, (2) Dept. of Chemistry, UC San Diego

A Best Student Presentation Award will be given in memory of E. H. Nicollian, who made many important contributions to the field and had a strong presence within the SISC. Check this box if the abstract will be presented by a student.

Poster presentation preferred. Introduced in 2021, a Best Student Poster Award will be given in memory of T. P. Ma.

Attach the PDF file of the abstract that includes the names and affiliations of the authors by clicking "Browse". Note that this PDF file must be smaller than 2 MBytes and not protected.

Attach the additional PDF file of the abstract without the names or affiliations of the authors by clicking "Browse" below. This "blind Review" PDF file must be smaller than 2 MBytes and not protected.


4. Check and submit

Double check the above information. Enter any additional info or request below. If resubmitting, give the previous abstract confirmation number:

I certify that my abstract is conforming to the requirements listed above, in particular, that I am submitting a 2-page abstract in the pdf format. I understand that non-conforming abstracts will not be considered for the SISC conference.

After you click "Submit" (only once!), your abstract will be uploaded to SISC. This may take up to several minutes. Do not interrupt the transfer and wait until a confirmation page is displayed. Contact the webmaster if problems occur.